Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Discoloration of teeth can be due to aging, smoking and chewing tobacco, drinking beverages like tea/coffee/cola,certain food with coloring agents and poor oral hygiene.

They act as tooth root substitutes. The bone bonds with the titanium, creating a strong foundation for artificial teeth. Small posts that protrude through the gums are then attached to the implant on which artificial replacement of the teeth is done.

How is whitening of teeth done?

There are two ways of whitening of the teeth, this involves cleaning and polishing of the teeth and whitening procedure. The dentist protects the teeth with gum mask and then applies the whitening gel on the teeth which is then activated with the special light; the procedure takes about an hour. Today lasers are used for more effective and safe whitening of teeth.

In the dentist provides a whitening kit which includes customized plastic mouth tray that fits over the teeth and whitening gel. Whitening gel is dispensed into the tray and it is worn at night or for a few hours during the day. Results will be visible over 2- 3 weeks depending on the severity of discoloration of the teeth. What are the side effects of teeth whitening? Sometimes it may cause teeth sensitivity, in such cases desensitizing paste or gel will be prescribed.